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Finding an inmate in Alaska is simple with the help of various free online databases. These databases typically list only current inmates, but Alaska also provides access to historical incarceration records. For a comprehensive search, you’ll need crucial information such as the correctional institution’s name or the state where the person is incarcerated.
Adak Community Jail
Alaska Department of Corrections
Alaska Department of Corrections Anchorage
Alaska Department of Corrections Juneau
Alaska State Trooper Detention
Anchorage Correctional Complex
Anchorage International Airport Police Jail
Anchorage Municipal Jail
Anvil Mountain Correctional Center
Anvil Mountain Correctional Center AMCC
Fairbanks Correctional Center
Fairbanks International Airport Police Jail
Fairbanks Jail
Fairbanks Youth Facility
Haines Borough Community Jail
Hiland Mountain Correctional Center
Hiland Mountain Correctional Center HMCC
Homer Community Jail
Hoonah Jail
Houston Jail
Hudson Correctional Facility
Kake Community Jail
Kenai City Police Lockup
Kenai Peninsula Youth Facility
Ketchikan Correctional Center
Ketchikan Jail
Ketchikan Regional Youth Facility
Klawock Community Jail
Kodiak Jail
Kotzebue Regional Jail
MatSu Pretrial
MatSu Youth Facility
MatSu Youth Facility, Palmer
McLaughlin Youth Center
McLaughlin Youth Center, Anchorage
Metlakatla Adult Detention Center
Metlakatla Jail
Metlakatla Juvenile Detention Center
Palmer Correctional Center
Palmer Jail
Petersburg Community Jail
Petersburg Jail
Point MacKenzie Correctional Farm
Pt. MacKenzie Correctional Center
Sand Point Community Jail
Seldovia Jail
Seward Community Jail
Sitka Community Jail
Sitka Jail
Skagway Community jail
Soldotna Jail
Somerton Jail
Spring Creek Correctional Center
Spring Creek Correctional Center SCCC
Unalaska Police Department of Public Safety Jail
University of AlaskaAnchorage Police Jail
University of AlaskaFairbanks Police Jail
Wasilla Jail
Whittier Community Jail
Wildwood Correctional Center
Wildwood Correctional Complex
Wildwood Correctional Complex WWCC
Wildwood PreTrial Facility WPT
Wildwood Transitional Program WTP
Wrangell Jail